Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Northern and Southern Royal Albatross

This post contains information regarding the identification of Northern (Diomedia sanfordi) and Southern Royal albatross (Diomedia epomophora) including comparative photographs. These species are huge and sit within the group known as the great albatrosses alongside the similarly sized Wandering Albatross species complex. One way of separating this species from the wanderers is to look for a black edge along the upper mandible of the bill - if present you have either a Northern or Southern Royal albatross. Distinction of adult Northern and Southern Royal Albatross can be achieved by examining the leading edge of the inner upper wing, which is distinctly white in adult Southern Royal Albatross. Southern Royal Albatross are also more humpbacked than Northern Royals and Wandering Albatross.

Both species range widely over the Southern oceans but are New Zealand breeding endemics, with most Southern Royals breeding on Campbell Island and most Northern Royals breeding on the Chathams.

The white edge of the inner upper wing can be seen clearly on the adult Southern Royal in the two images below.

Below is a younger Southern Royal with more black on its wings, the white leading edge is still prominent. Note the humpback, more prominent than in the adult Northern Royal Albatross (2nd shot down).

The photograph below shows the black edge along the inside of the upper mandible on a Southern Royal.

The bird below is an adult New Zealand or Gibson's Wandering Albatross (Diomedia antipodensis gibsoni), note the vermiculations along the back and the lack of any black on the mandible.

As Southern Royal Albatross age, their plumage becomes more white, below is a mature adult bird.

The photographs below shots an adult Northern Royal Albatross for plumage comparison. Northern Royal Albatross are the only great albatross to retain fully black upper wings in adult plumage.

Watching Southern Royal Albatross interact was an awesome and unforgettable experience.

These birds were all seen and photographed either from Kaikoura or to the East of Stewart Island.


Saturday, 22 February 2014

Storm-petrels of New Zealand

On any birding trip to New Zealand, the many possible Procellariformes are going to be a highlight, within this most wonderful order, the storm-petrels and especially the relatively recently rediscovered (2003) New Zealand Storm-petrel are often at the top of one's wishlist. As well as the NZ Storm-petrel, White-Faced and Grey-Backed may be encountered, less often seen are the Antarctic dwelling Black-Bellied and also Wilson's.. There is an ocean of possibility, especially during and after extreme weather events. During my trip I encountered four storm-petrel species and photographed three well. Again, the boat trips (and weather conditions!?) were all organised by Wrybill (

First and in my opinion foremost, the New Zealand Storm-petrel (appropriately, Fregatta maoriana). This species is usually seen in the Hauraki Gulf, though I believe there are several records off Whitianga and even a couple of accepted records now in Australian waters, so how far they range is up in the air. The species breeds on one of the islands in the Hauraki Gulf, Little Barrier Island I believe. 

First, a comparison shot of a NZ Storm-petrel alongside White-faced. Note the size difference. The two species also behave differently with the NZ Storm-petrel generally having a much faster and more bouncy flight. White-faced will feed in a relatively stable position, whereas the NZ Storm-petrels certainly didn't stay put for long. 

Below, a feeding pass. The birds were attracted to the boat by 'chum', discarded waste products from the fishing industry which this chap/ess(?) made the most off. 

A storm-petrel dancing along the water. Note the streaking on the white belly.

The below photograph is one of my top shots of the trip for sure. A backlit bird skipping across the water having just made a feeding pass. 

Next up, White-faced Storm-petrels. Three of the six subspecies have been recorded in NZ waters, I will not attempt to identify to sub species level but it is likely that the birds I photographed are 'maoriana' the subspecies that breeds on the New Zealand mainland, Auckland Islands and Chathams. I observed this species in the Hauraki, offshore from Kaikoura and also to the east of Stewart Island.

Below is my favourite shot of this species. It took several hundred attempts to get this low to the water, forward facing positioning. A key factor was waiting for a bird to be high in the swell whilst the boat was positioned lower down. 

Finally, this is my one and only photograph of a very grey looking Black-bellied Storm-petrel. This bird didn't stick around unfortunately.  Photo taken offshore to the east of Stewart Island.

Enjoy and feel free to comment/share with anyone who might enjoy this post. 

Tuesday, 18 February 2014


Anarhynchus frontalis

This small, bizarre and endearing species is the only species of bird in the world to have a bill bent entirely in one direction, possibly an adaptation giving a foraging advantage along the pebble banks of its breeding grounds. It is found only in New Zealand, where it breeds on the braided rivers of the South Island. Unfortunately, like many endemic New Zealand birds, they are vulnerable to predation by introduced mammalian predators such as stoats and rats. This problem may intensify in the future as some braided rivers are colonised by an invasive algae which chokes smaller channels and can open up previously inaccessible dry areas of the riverbed. We will see what the future holds.

Outside of the breeding season, Wrybill can be found around certain coastal mud flats and estuaries of the North Island, such as the Firth of Thames, where some of these pictures were taken. In order to get within photo range, I positioned myself low to the ground either along a water edge where birds were feeding or 30 yards or so from where individuals were roosting. In all cases, after a relatively short period of time spent patiently watching and waiting, Wrybill approached me to within 3m - much too close to photograph but an unforgettable and refreshing experience. 

 This individual above was particularly curious, here on the approach the bend in the bill is fairly evident. 

Below, some reflections, this bird spent some time posing at an ideal range. 

The bird below is roosting during a high tide, this was one of a flock of perhaps 200. 

As the tide came back in, birds started to wake up. First things first - a good stretch followed by a yawn!

Finally, the birds headed down  the beach to start foraging.. 

I attempted to take some flight shots, however both the sessions I spent with these birds I ended up in a position from which I found it exceedingly difficult to achieve. I will add to this that don't have much experience photographing wading birds in flight - a nice challenge that I will come back to soon hopefully! 

Saturday, 15 February 2014

New Zealand part one, Kea

After a long period of absence I decided it was about time I updated my blog. Since March last year I have had many interesting wildlife encounters, some in the UK, many in Mexico where I conducted herpetological survey work for Operation Wallacea through June-August and more recently in New Zealand. On this particular trip despite a unique and fascinating reptile fauna present my focus was solely on birds (though I did manage to photograph a tuatara..). Those who know me will instantly think, New Zealand must have some pretty special birds and you are correct! Over the past month I've clocked up around 165 species, including many endemic species, I haven't tallied up how many of these I photographed but it's certainly a good number. One of my favourites has to be the Kea, a bird well known for pulling the rubber off car windows and otherwise damaging vehicles. Personally I find them very endearing, they are clearly highly intelligent and are great to watch in their high alpine habitat.

A brief update for friends reading this, aside from working overseas and the odd photo trip I spent much of the past few months working as an ecological consultant which is currently on hold for the time being with other plans shaping up. All in all it's been an action filled year and it's flown by, so to those who I haven't kept up with as well as I would have liked, I'll be back in the UK from early March when I plan to catch up with some of you (Matthew Bruce etc) in Rugby. I should then be around for most of March and April and would love to spend time catching up.

A big thank you to Brent Stephenson for hosting and helping me to locate and photograph all these birds! If you are interested in arranging any birding trips to NZ, Brent is the person to get in touch with. His blog and his guiding website

A Kea appearing inquisitive as ever.

A Kea nicely framed by the late afternoon sunlight.

This Kea is honing it's ever growing bill - all the better for chewing up cars ;)

A pair flying gliding by a dramatic waterfall.

Finally, last but not least, one of my favourite shots of this species, an adult bird showing off it's beautiful under wing as it approaches its elevated perch.

Next up will likely be a selection of sea birds.. Stay tuned!