Northern Queensland is graced with three species in the Petrogale genus, P. assimilis, P. mareeba and P. sharmani (Eldridge et al. 2008). These three species are morphologically identical, and, owing to all three species inhabiting only a small part of the Cape York peninsula, problematic to identify (Eldridge et al. 2008).
Distribution map from Eldrige et al. (2008, p. 39) Fig. 1. Known distribution of P. assimilis (+), P. mareeba («) and P. sharmani (▲) in north-east Queensland.
Owing to the narrow habitat selectivity and relatively few known population locations of these three species, spread over only a small geographical area, it is easy to image how human induced factors such as road mortality could become a real issue for these species.
Watch out for wildlife on roads!
Luckily for me, the population of rock wallabies inhabiting Granite gorge, a few km outside of Mareeba, are positively Mareeba rock wallabies! Which saves me a no doubt challenging and time consuming search..
Here are some of my efforts to photograph the Mareeba rock wallaby, I attempted to take some portrait style images, but more to include as much of the character of the rocky environment this species inhabits.
Being marsupials, it would be rude of me not to include a photo of the pouch in use!
One of my favourite photos from the weekend.
A nice one to round off with..
I hope you enjoyed the rock wallabies as much as I did, please feel free to share with people who may be interested.
Until next week..!
Eldridge, M. D. B., Johnson, P. M.,
Hensler, P., Holden, J. and Close, R. L. K. (2008) The distribution of three
parapatric, cryptic species of rock-wallably (Petrogale) in north-east
Queensland: P. assimilis, P. Mareeba, and P. sharmani. Australian Mammalogy,
30(1), 37-42. Available from: [Mar 23, 2015].
Potter, S., Close, R. L., Taggart, D. A., Cooper, S. J. B, & Eldridge, M. D. B. (2014) Taxonomy of rock-wallabies, Petrogale (Marsupialia: Macropodidae). IV. Multifaceted study of the brachyotis group identifies additional taxa. Australian Journal of Zoology, 65(2), 401-414. Available from: [Mar 23, 2015].
Potter, S., Close, R. L., Taggart, D. A., Cooper, S. J. B, & Eldridge, M. D. B. (2014) Taxonomy of rock-wallabies, Petrogale (Marsupialia: Macropodidae). IV. Multifaceted study of the brachyotis group identifies additional taxa. Australian Journal of Zoology, 65(2), 401-414. Available from: [Mar 23, 2015].
Van Dyck, S. & Strahan, R.
(2008) ‘The Mammals of Australia.’ ‘3rd edn. (New Holland: Sydney).
Looks like very inquisitive little cuties!