Thursday, 29 November 2012

Kingfishers galore

Another favourite of most wildlife lovers, kingfishers. I managed to catch up with five species whilst in Gambia, not great from a birders perspective but as with my photographers hat on I'll take that! I achieved good portraits of the following 3 species, and a video of another which I will post at a later date.

The African pygmy kingfisher.

Giant kingfisher - seen at Abuko nature reserve, a gallery forest reserve, the dappled light in this shot is typical of the habitat.

African pied kingfisher, seen here at Tanji bird reserve, on the sea front, this species is unique amongst kingfishers in that it hovers before diving after prey, this enables it to exploit many different wetland habitats.

Messy eater.. Unfortunately once dropped, the poor thing couldn't find the fish again! Thankfully this particular bird had a pretty successful catch rate.