Back at the beginning of February I did a short trip up to the Cairngorms which mostly consisted of battling the elements - it seemed like there was a three day blizzard at the time, however this didn't stop me from tracking down some of the usual moorland suspects, red grouse in particular.
Areas of moorland in Scotland are managed for Red grouse as they are a popular quarry for those who enjoy hunting - this makes them very easy to locate. Black grouse and Capercaillie however require a little more luck and planning and unfortunately the weather foiled my attempts to see and photograph these other two grouse species this time, I'll be back!
This chap seemed very keen.. Bit cold for that!
nom nom nom...
I hope you enjoy these images, hopefully by the time I return spring will have properly set in and some more of my favourite subjects will have returned from wintering grounds and emerged from hibernation.